The world of buying a Pedigree American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) can be confusing, but there is a few things that you should be perfectly clear on before you do. The AST over recent years has come under a lot of scrutiny from the Victorian Government regarding Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). The only way to make sure your best friend is SAFE from these laws is to make sure they have ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council) pedigree papers. Different colored papers mean different things when it comes to what you can and can't do with your dog, so be clear with your chosen breeder what you are wanting to do with him/her before moving forwards.
MAIN REGISTERA dog on the Main Register (blue certificate) has full rights. The dogs on this register can be shown in conformation shows in order to gain titles and may be bred from to other Main Register dogs of the same breed and have their progeny registered as purebreds.
LIMITED REGISTERThe Limited Register (orange certificate) indicates that dog is pedigreed but cannot be shown at conformation shows nor can the dog be bred with and have the progeny registered as pedigreed puppies.
On the Pedigree certificate you will see your dog has a pedigree name, a pedigree name is given to any dog who is of pedigree. The first word in any pedigree name is the prefix of the breeder, the prefix being the breeders kennel name. The rest of the name is the chosen pedigree name of your dog. For example "Almighty Big Red", "Almighty" is the breeder of the dog and "Big Red" is his name. You do not have to use any of these as a call name or link them in any way but can if you choose.
If you intend to start conformation showing with your dog you will need to have a dog on main registered papers. The CH in front of a dogs name can only be gained by a dog or bitch that has gained enough championship points in the show ring to become a Australian Champion.
You can gain any of the following titles that will follow your dogs pedigree name on limited register, UDX ADX JDX and ET are all available, for example "Almighty Big Red UDX CDX JDX ET has earned Utility Excellence in obedience but on his way there he would have earned a CD, CDX and UD. As the higher title in each discipline is earned it replaces the lower title. The other titles are for agility, jumping and endurance.
You will also need to be a part of your states Canine Controlling Body (Dogs Victoria) to participate in these events.
You can gain any of the following titles that will follow your dogs pedigree name on limited register, UDX ADX JDX and ET are all available, for example "Almighty Big Red UDX CDX JDX ET has earned Utility Excellence in obedience but on his way there he would have earned a CD, CDX and UD. As the higher title in each discipline is earned it replaces the lower title. The other titles are for agility, jumping and endurance.
You will also need to be a part of your states Canine Controlling Body (Dogs Victoria) to participate in these events.